2024 / 7 / 22
YC 有一个创业者的必读袖珍指南,写得挺好的,用中英文对照的方式整理分享给小伙伴们,值得时不时看一看来修正自己的路径。
Launch now - 立即启动
Build something people want - 打造人们需要的东西
Do things that don't scale - 做一些无法扩展的事情
Find the 90 / 10 solution - 找到90%问题与10%解决方案的平衡
Find 10-100 customers who love your product - 找到10到100个热爱你产品的客户
All startups are badly broken at some point - 所有初创公司在某个时刻都会遇到严重问题
Write code - talk to users - 编写代码 - 与用户交流
"It’s not your money" - “这不是你的钱”
Growth is the result of a great product not the precursor - 成长是优秀产品的自然结果,而非先决条件
Don’t scale your team/product until you have built something people want - 在你打造出人们需要的东西之前,不要扩展你的团队或产品
Valuation is not equal to success or even probability of success - 估值不等于成功,甚至不等于成功的可能性
Avoid long negotiated deals with big customers if you can - 如果可以的话,避免与大客户进行长时间的谈判
Avoid big company corporate development queries - they will only waste time - 避免与大公司进行企业开发咨询 - 他们只会浪费时间
Avoid conferences unless they are the best way to get customers - 除非参加展会是获取客户的最佳方式,否则避免参加
Pre-product market fit - do things that don’t scale: remain small/nimble - 在产品市场契合之前 - 做一些无法扩展的事情:保持小规模和灵活性
Startups can only solve one problem well at any given time - 初创公司在任何时候只能很好地解决一个问题
Founder relationships matter more than you think - 创始人之间的关系比你想象的更重要
Sometimes you need to fire your customers (they might be killing you) - 有时你需要“开除”你的客户(他们可能会毁了你)
Ignore your competitors, you will more likely die of suicide than murder - 忽略你的竞争对手,你更可能死于自杀而非他杀
Most companies don't die because they run out of money - 大多数公司并非因为资金耗尽而倒闭
Be nice! Or at least don’t be a jerk - 要友好!或者至少不要成为一个混蛋
Get sleep and exercise - take care of yourself - 睡觉和锻炼 - 照顾好自己